De Kloostergang by Trappist® Tribute

What are Trappist© products?

Sister José tells her story.
Monks. Illustration photo blog.


"Trappists are monks and nuns who devote their lives to prayer and community life. At the same time, they are part of the modern market economy: they produce and sell food and other commodities. They fulfil this role in a way that suits them: ethically and transparently, with attention to the human aspect and the environment. Production and business are still carried out under the supervision of the Trappists; many of them also work there themselves.


A small part of what the monks and nuns produce in their abbey is for their own use. The larger part is intended for sale. With the incomes, the Trappists and Trappistines provide for the needs of their monastic community. What is left over, is spent on donations. Thus, they support development projects at home and abroad or offer help to people in need.

We would like to give the floor to Sister José van Klaarland. (Belgium)

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De Kloostergang by Trappist® Tribute

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